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Mission and Outreach

St. Philip welcomes community members to join us as we provide support to those in need in Hurst and across Tarrant County.

St. Philip Presbyterian Church has a heart for mission and service to the community. Several unique mission projects have been conceived, developed, and supported by St. Philip members. These were all needs that were recognized by our caring and creative members.

These include:
  •  Kay Lynn’s Pantry – provides household items like soaps, cleaning, and paper products to low-income families. This fills a gap in state social services programs.

  • North East Emergency Distribution (NEED) - St. Philip is an active participant in NEED.  NEED is a Northeast Tarrant County faith-based non-profit organization whose sole mission is to provide short-term emergency assistance of food, clothing, TXU payments and bus vouchers.  

  • Undy Sunday – provides First Night Bags for children entering foster care.

  • Jump for Joy – a fundraiser to aid HEBISD Family Support Services as they help students' families in crisis began at St. Philip.

  • Community Garden – serves primarily our neighbors who surround us.

  • HEB ISD Adopt-a-School Program - St. Philip has adopted Shady Oaks Elementary, Hurst JHS, and the KEYS school to provide continuing support.  We host an Annual Awards Banquet for deserving Hurst JHS students.

More details on these programs can be found below.  The St. Philip Preschool provides educational opportunities to children and their parents in our extended neighborhood.  You can find out more about our Preschool here.

We also support the following with our time and/or finances:

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Project "Undy Sunday"

In January 2017 a church member brought a need for neglected and/or abused children entering foster care to our hearts. Shortly after that, UNDY SUNDAY was born. The 3rd Sunday of each month is declared "UNDY SUNDAY" at St. Philip. New underwear, socks, t-shirts, sleepwear, and diapers are collected. "First night bags" are filled with these items so children can enter their first placement in foster care with new underwear, socks, sleepwear, and some toiletries.
For more information call the church office at (817)282-9181 or email

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In Hurst, Texas, 1 in 4 children are facing hunger. St. Philip will have a monthly drive for NEED the first Sunday of every month. A percentage of our Community Garden produce is donated to NEED. 

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Jump for Joy Planning Team

In past years, we have hosted a fundraiser for families in crises in the HEB ISD. The fundraiser included student musical performances, an art auction, and a food court. Family Support Services' social workers received these funds to help homeless and unaccompanied teens.

Email Wendy at 

about joining the Planning Team.

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Sandwiches for the Presbyterian Night Shelter

Join a group of 5 or 6 people who make sandwiches together for the homeless shelter. A group meets once a month. For more information call the church office at (817) 282-9181 or email 

Kay Lynn’s Pantry

One ministry of St. Philip is to give to low income families with a Loan Star Card or SNAP (Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program) card items that do not qualify for these programs. Every 2 months families can pick up for free household items like soaps, cleaning supplies, and paper products. Help us by collecting these supplies and dropping them off at the church office. Call the church office for specific sizes that are needed.

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